P90 recommendations - for alder bodies


New member
Hi all,

I was thinking of swapping out the p90s on my current alder body guitar. I love the P90 and mahogany combo for its warmth and sweet midrange, and I was wondering which P90s would make up for it on an alder body.

I like my P90s warm and dark. Suggestions anyone? much appreciated!
IMO the tonal characteristics of P-90s don't differ that much. There are definitely some variations in terms of dynamics but I can't make a fair recommendation because I've never tried P-90s on Alder bodies although I do like them on Mahogany. Tried a Gibson R6 once, that was ballsy.

The tonal characteristics of Mahogany and Alder differ by a whole lot. Certain characteristics of pickups shine only in certain kind of wood. Example, a Dimarzio Steve's Special would totally rock in Mahogany but would sound alright in Basswood.

Aside from that, how the guitar is constructed also plays a part in this formula. installing Gibson pickups into an Epiphone would not make your Epiphone sound like a Gibson.

Well, I've tried Gibson P-90s, Toneriders & Curtis Novak (on an R6). My preference was the Tonerider Hot 90. Crunchy! If you are looking for something dark, I guess it's more of the characteristic of the wood that plays a part.
I tried lollar P-90s on some hollow bodied Gibson before (not familiar with their hollowbody models). round tone but the output was too low far my tastes. apart from that, lollars are very expensive IMO. I wouldn't spend that kind of money to "experiment" with. Works well for his kinda music (Jazz player) I guess but I don't get the hype honestly. When it comes to boutique pickups, I want them to sound "big".
! If you are looking for something dark, I guess it's more of the characteristic of the wood that plays a part.

Yeah, i thought so. well, just trying my luck!

anyways, I have a edwards semi hollow, with a SD SH2 jazz neck, which I find a little too bright for my taste.. maybe a darker sounding pup recommendation as well? ;)

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