over/underrated "under/overrated" forum threads


Overrated: van halen's and anyone else's overrated/underrated threads...coz it's getting stupid

Underrated: any other threads
and what the hell is the logic behind the creation of such a thread.

i think the point they are gettin at is that this is gettin stupid as what ^^^^ said
anyway it's really kinda thought provoking just by lookin at so many of such threads popping out it somehow makes me thing that they are prolly single user/multiple acc but still trying label and rate every single thing is stupid.. i mean look tambourines.. :rolleyes:
i think it probably means a lot some people. Perhaps they dont want other people to think that they're so 'mainstream' and 'uncool' by listening to overrated stuff.

Maybe theres not enough of such threads, perhaps we can come up more topics like, overrated and underrated MRT lines (circle line is overrated), overrated and underrated colors (pink is soo overrated). Overrated and underrated estates in Singapore (pontong pasir is overrated!)....

Oh and on a serious note can someone count how many times, "overrated" and "underrated" has been spelt wrongly? overrated is one word.. not "over rated", an its spelt with double Rs

Overrated - Twilight
Underrated - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (now THAT'S human/vampire love)

Overrated - Justin Bieber
Underrated - Some local singers

Overrated - iPhone
Underrated - Normal phones

Overrated - Supra high tops
Underrated - Air Force One high tops

Overrated - "Scene" kids attempting music
Underrated - Regular civilians who make "real" music

Overrated - Underrated
Underrated - Overrated