Our demos have repelled all would-be bandmates so far; please join our band


New member
I compose music and play a kind of guitar, and my friend plays percussion. When we posted ads on here looking for other musicians to join us, all the responders asked to hear demo samples of our songs. After hearing the demos, all of these people disappeared instantly. So if the prospect of making music that scares off most of the people on soft.com.sg actually kind of intrigues you, rather than turning you off, then maybe we should be in touch.

We have a bunch of bass parts that aren't going to play themselves, but if you have something else to contribute instrumentally, vocally, or theatrically, -- or are even just into talking about weird music and ideas -- do let us know.

Let's do something that nobody else is doing, let's get excited about things together, let's challenge each other and make a really interesting band.
.... Don't mean disrespect. But maybe it's not cause they are afraid of writing in general. Maybe it's just your demos. What kind of music is it? Avant Garde?
I've never thought for a moment that the people who didn't like the demos were somehow "afraid of writing" or any such deeper thing. Obviously, the music just sounds bad to them. The same can probably be said for most music I find intriguing, though, so I imagine that people with similar tastes to mine might be looking for just such a thing. Hence my sharing of that backstory. It's pop/rock music. Rock on!
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I've never thought for a moment that the people who didn't like the demos were somehow "afraid of writing" or any such deeper thing. Obviously, the music just sounds bad to them. The same can probably be said for most music I find intriguing, though, so I imagine that people with similar tastes to mine might be looking for just such a thing. Hence my sharing of that backstory. It's pop/rock music. Rock on!
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Hey Andy,

Daryl Pang here!
I'm a songwriter myself, and I am quite interested to have a listen to your content :) do WhatsApp me at 9 three 81 90 six 0 if you'd like to discuss about a potential collaboration or something!
hey bro! bassist and aspiring sound engineer here. send me your demos at iam.shafiq@live.com or just contact me at nine-seven-three-four-seven-one-five-nine and I'll see if I'm able to contribute anything!
Hi can i enquire do you still required a vocalist and which kind of music you are playing thanks

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