One day only! Whatever is unsold will be kept for another one day sale next week.
Selling the following delay/looper/reverb pedals. Selling to fund other purchases n cos playing electric guitar less often now.
These are some of my reliable pedals that has been on my board for quite some time so no lemons here, everything is working.
1. VFE Blueprint delay. 10/10. Velcro, no box.
Very tweakable, modulation, gain boost/cut knob. Warm-sounding. Better than your MXR Carbon copy.
2. BBE Two Timer delay. 8/10.
Velcro and box.
Great sound at this price!
(Mine is the previous version with a different graphic, like in this pix:,m.533252.html)
3. Vox Delaylab delay and looper. 9.5/10.
Box no Velcro.
Powerful, versatile, can save settings, easy to use looper.
Tech 21 Boost R.V.B. reverb.
9/10. Velcro and box.
Warm sounds, gain boost, analog signal path. This earlier version has the Rumble control knob which I find very useful and unique among all reverb pedals I've owned.
SMS or whatsapp, no calls please. 98fiv2585O. Pix will be sent on request. Deal at my place near SAFRA Mount Faber, anytime today.
Selling the following delay/looper/reverb pedals. Selling to fund other purchases n cos playing electric guitar less often now.
These are some of my reliable pedals that has been on my board for quite some time so no lemons here, everything is working.
1. VFE Blueprint delay. 10/10. Velcro, no box.
Very tweakable, modulation, gain boost/cut knob. Warm-sounding. Better than your MXR Carbon copy.
2. BBE Two Timer delay. 8/10.
Velcro and box.
Great sound at this price!
(Mine is the previous version with a different graphic, like in this pix:,m.533252.html)
3. Vox Delaylab delay and looper. 9.5/10.
Box no Velcro.
Powerful, versatile, can save settings, easy to use looper.
Tech 21 Boost R.V.B. reverb.
9/10. Velcro and box.
Warm sounds, gain boost, analog signal path. This earlier version has the Rumble control knob which I find very useful and unique among all reverb pedals I've owned.
SMS or whatsapp, no calls please. 98fiv2585O. Pix will be sent on request. Deal at my place near SAFRA Mount Faber, anytime today.