ON the street


New member
Hey guys, im just wondering. IN singapore are we allow to play our music as a band with drum, amps and speaker on the streets just like japanese. if its legal then where it the best palce we can do tat for free and big space coz it seems like sg pathway are small....................
but wat license u guys talking bout.......i dunnoe really understand??? where to get it??? must we pay?? or is it very very troublesome???
haha thx a sage.............actually i see japan like fun like tat. they kinda freedom....

ya man japan is awesome. My friend went there, he says theres this particular street where bands without needing any license or legal bullshit can just set up there and play. a whole street! so its like.. i think 5 or 6 or more bands. and the thing is that they are actually good! he was videocamming them and they sounded really good. people also go there to support them. so yea.. sucks to be in sg for that
What I think is maybe the government can designate a space for people to hold gigs at, maybe just power plugs there, then people can bring their own equipment. D.I.Y and stuff, and maybe make it free or charge a small fee.

*scape and the Substation both are tad bit too expensive now.. But those are two of the best places to play! and not forgetting the skatepark!
They should let bands play at the skatepark for free! Mini weekend WarpTour!
or even let us play at abandoned warehouses!! ive always dream of that donoe why. i see westerm show ppl hve DIY gigs in abandoned warehouses like shok like that.
bt i just wondering leh...............if e government allow us to play at e street where do u guys think the best place to play ???? all pathway seems to be small
If government allow us to play i'd play anywhere man. Theres actually this warehouse at robertson quay, beside robertson blue condominium, pretty cool I must say :D

Cool places to play would be
Raffles place.. The change alley there, with all the yuppie idiots :D
Turf City.. Its pretty spacious and nice to hang out there.
Basically any abandoned area.. very 'underground' feel.
if allow ah, i think i will do like avril in the vid skater boy. she block the road and perform at e centre of it. hahaha

den mayb play at some carpark roof top.......tat will b cool. haha