OM: Vern on video

Vaiyen said:
I notice you pick very close to the neck, sometimes on top of frets.
Any particular reason?

Yes - I find there is a more even tonal response across the strings and the sound is slightly more elastic than closer to the bridge.
bluepowder said:
good stuff man....very smooth....temme what u using to get that tone...i love it.....

It's a Line 6 Guitarport on a patch that emulates a '68 Marshall Plexi into a '68 4x12 'Greenback' cab. I monitor it from my notebook phone socket with a pair of $60 Sony Walkman speakers. :) A bit thin for my liking, but will do until my new gear arrives.
ChanMin said:
aww man i cant see it either...
Yeah - sorry. Looks like my bandwidth was exceed for my hosting account for the day. I'll seek alterntaive arrangements and repost them along with some others sometime.
penguin said:
what a pity, im sure ur a fantastic guitar player :)

Hey Vern any metalpacks install on ur Gp?

Uh, dunno. What's a metalpack? :) Sounds like some kind of add-on.
All the patches I have and use are the defaults in GP2.0 software.

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