OM: Ronin - One more moment (Divine 9 Remix)! :)


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RONIN'S "ONE MORE MOMENT" (DIVINE 9 REMIX) - One more moment (Divine9 Remix) mastered.mp3

This originally started as a bootleg a week ago where a chance joke between Levan (Vocalist, Ronin) and myself (Divine9) about turning a Ronin track into Trance became a reality. :)

I made this specially in time for all of you for valentines day and it has been a gruelling challenge to slice every single syllable to a Trance Synth. After acquiring Levan's permission for release following Rock for Good (when I should have been doing more reviews :P), the endeavour got a little serious with phone calls to a sessionist in Melbourne as well as a fair amount of mixing.

Remixed by Saito Nagasaki
Additional writing: Tera, Jiro (Myidarre)
Original Author: Ronin
Performed by: Sean (accoustic guitar), Levan (vocals), Jiro (guitar), Tera (keys), Saito Nagasaki


"This remix should never see the light of day. I hate Trance"
- Wayne Thunder, The Suns

... Yes, that's what he said :)
Hi, tera here, i actually like this remix alot although i don't listen to much dance music. I have to admit this is a piece of masterwork :)..
okay the file is hosted on, so it will never expire

does anyone know how to get it on radio?

honestly.. the song no impact le...

the acoustic version had more emotion and ability to move.

i think you could make the bass more... erm.. pounding??
I have several mixdowns of it, one of it is more dancey than this version with the guitar solo on it. I'll put it on soon
ChanMin said:
honestly.. the song no impact le...

the acoustic version had more emotion and ability to move.

i think you could make the bass more... erm.. pounding??

The beat isnt as pounding because it would detract from the feel of the song, it slides into breaks after a while. The normal stuff that we (D9) produces is rather hard. :)
oh man.... no offence to anyone.... but i think you killed a very beautiful song..... but the effort was awesome.... but still.... :roll:
The song wasn't meant to be done in this manner.

The vocals are wayyyyy off in terms of feel for such a treatment. You seem to be good in what you do byt it looks like you are trying to do something that just wasn't meant to be.

Nice try and effort and all that but if you want to push this further, you need a good producer to provide you with some direction.

Again, I know where you are coming form and where you wanted to go with this but you were pushing the right buttons but hitting all the wrong knobs - if the vocals were done to support your feel and instrumentation then it may have turned out rather well.



Rork - this started out as a joke, of course the vocals dont suit trance.
Let me reiterate: I did this to make Levan laugh. He did. I also made a few other industry people freak (like wayne from the suns and Vortex from exitmusik)

They did. (hahaha)

Mission accomplished :)

strangely, folks on Trance Republic liked it for some weird reason lol -

It was also an excuse to work with a few other local musicians and give them a chance to expose their creativity. Tera and Jiro are part of a local japanese rock outfit "myidarre" that have been trying to promote their music for the past year - exceedingly talented musicians for their age, but due to their niche genre cannot get much exposure. You can check out their original at

Bear in mind that EBM (Electronic Body Music) which is a sister genre to industrial uses trance riffs and filter cuts with larger gates to produce a rather sinister dance sound with male (or deep) vocals. As this was an accoustic song, the vocal melody was closer to a house tune than anything. Without turning it into pop I used a EBM bass patch I made a while back, I can isolate it if you guys want to play with it.

I have no intention of pushing this any further my friend :) it was fun

do you have any material online? I'm assuming you do electronica too from the way you were talking about knobs and buttons
its a little too trancey for me, but its pretty gd. I like the dark and sinister bass sound near the end of the song.

being a big fan of EBM and Industrial, I'd say the vocal suits the music. If you listen to such acts (Neuroactive, etc...), you'll not find anything wrong with the combination.