OM: frodonet


New member
Hi Dudes,

I just uploaded one of my guitar video entitled blues under the stars.

This is just a trial. want to know how you guys think of the melody?

I played purely with my lousy cheapo guitar with the amp and no gadgets at all. There's some mistake but just want to know how you guys think of the melody?
If I were you , I'd rip off the entire song - might as well. If you're gonna stoop that low then at least do a good job!

I think without a backing rhythm and chord playing, the melody sounded really weak.

Everything was still fine until the bends came in. Honestly it sounded horibble and instantly destroyed the whole song.

Work on the bends and play with some dynamics. With that, the whole melody will sound at least 50% better.

Who to listen for bends and vibrato... --> dhalif
nah, that's not my fender squire.

that is my first guitar.

i bought it for 200 dollars. seriously one of the noobest guitar ever.

but anyway, i'm using that to learn to play...if i improved next time, then i buy strat or whta la..
Frodo, thats a very brave try. I'll be lying if I say that, what you played was great, but, well, with the drive and spirit that you have in you, you will improve.

Remember, learn it proper. Learn the basic modes. Ask questions, do not be shy when learning. DO NOT EMPHASIZE on speed. I've seen many people who emphasized on speed and in the end they ended up playing their stuffs wrong and dirty. You don't want to end up acquiring bad habits and face difficulties trying to kill that bad habits. Always do it slow for a start and pick up speed gradually. Give yourself a few months, do not rush. Steve Vai or Malmsteen started out like many of us. These masters are patient people indeed that they succeeded as what and who they are now.

You have my full support man!

Let them call it 'chinese song or whatever song' now, and in the future they'll hear some cool licks from Frodo!