OM: Enjoy The High

a very nice and catchy piece!

some parts sounded a bit off tune though... and some parts are a lil tooo draggy...

it'd be better if u could "tighten" these draggy places too add a lil dynamics to the piece and make it more interesting...

about those "technical difficulties", well, no worries there cuz with a few more practises, i'm sure they'd be smoothen out!

good job! :D


oh 1 more thing, the ending... quite sudden and unexpected... may induce heart attacks... :wink:
Umm things which i think can be helpful to u

1) Compress to mp3 :)

2) The initial riff is pretty cool i feel. The groove is there. But i feel tt u rushed into the solo too soon. Shld develop the riff alittle more i guess

3) I think if u wanna play slow lines u might consider adding some vibrato to give them more feel. Sounds quite dead at the moment.

4) Solo's quite unplanned to me. Very disorganised. Now it sounds like it's just there as filler. I think u can compose a more melodic one to go with the track

5) i particularly liked tt little legato thingy u did at 1:35. Maybe u might wanna expand on tt idea. Sounds fitting to me.

6) tt part at 2:00 din really sound fitting. Maybe u would like play it better or change the notes or smthing.

K sorry din mean to shoot u. It's just my honest opinions. Hope it helps :)
Hi Chang,

No no no :lol: I'm really appreciative of the suggestions/feedbacks u gave to me. Don't worry :wink: I'm open to all critiques as mentioned. I know I'm quite limited by skills & talents, but these little tips wld help me go a very long way.

A big thanks to you & MadWereWolfBoy. I'm currently working on it still.
Hi Mr Hifi,

Yeah, it lacked direction. Just like what Chang mentioned - its kinda more of a fill-ins than a solo. I'll figure out how I wan the song to go agn, then re-record & post it online :wink:

I recorded using Zoom G2.1u. I tweaked the EQ on the pedal, but somehow it sounded quite "sucked" out :lol:
No problem. Haha, pardon me, but I'm really nuts when it comes to these kinda stuffs. Need lotsa guidances :wink:

Thanks for the tip Mr Hifi :wink:
neuro to be honest that's one of the worst tones I've ever heard. But I guess if you like it that's all that matters.
1. the lead guitar sounds slightly sharp at the intro. need vibratos.

2. apparently lots of doodling. you gotta think out of the box when improvising. (ok, this requires some music theory. if you don't know your music theory well, it's hard to improvise.)

3. you gotta have a melody, and make variations of it (motifs) along the song.
U need to have a central theme. If u listen to those guitar instrutmentals, they all have a sort of main theme that they vary now and then, which is similar to a song w/vocals. Otherwise without a central theme, it will sound like doodling, and there is no hook that the listener will remember.