OM: ChanMin+Leon+turbochicken+Butter


New member
a day at soundmix; a recorded jamming session.
Chan on guitars
butter on bass
Leon on vocals, keys
turbochicken on drums

1. david tao's song minor-ed:

2. jacky's '93 ballad hit, swung:

3. aaron kwok's first ever hit, funked slightly:

we went without a click, so timing's quite horrendous at times.
comments are welcome. thanks to sunjay (sunJ?sonJ? sonJay?)

enjoy. :)
Oh my god i truly enjoyed the 3 songs! I prefer these than the ones from original artist hehe! By the way who did the support vocal for zhao zi ji?
erm... ok la.. sorry man ..
its was me... i know... i know... :(

jamming mah ... hahah... just whack.
glad some people still think its nice. thanks for listening!
i listen to my zhao zhi ji backup ... i really damn malu la... thanks HOR shawn...

heng the "dui ni ai bu wan"... save some face...
ChanMin said:
erm... ok la.. sorry man ..
its was me... i know... i know... :(

Hehe it's alright don't apologise.. dui ni ai bu wan's support vocal is better.. i like the guitar work for all the 3 songs.. I can say i'm proud of softies ^^

Name is Sanjay turbo heehee.... Glad you guys like his style. I told Chan that the musicians played an important part too, in fact a huge part.

Good to have you guys around.

See ya soon.