OM - 1Lullaby4Goodbye (Fusion Rock Instrumental)


Hi Folks
Was working on this for awhile. Was supposed to finish it with Shredcow - still may but I got itchy and had to try and get the ideas out - so that I can move on to something else.

This song is dedicated to someone dear to me who had to experience someone dear to her leaving for studies overseas. The song is supposed to be uplifting and to asks one to look on the brighter side of things - in this case, goodbye.

I had a few of the licks and chord work done loooong ago but they were all over the place and there wasn't a real structure to them. This personal episode provided the inspiration to put them together to form something entitled, 1Lullaby4Goodbye.

So check it out.

Recorded with a MiM Strat thru a Line6, UX2 Toneport. One backing track and one solo track. There's a short bit with a third guitar track. Otherwise it's two guitars - makes lot of noise. :D

Works well with decent speakers :)
Careful with the volume knob as it gets louder towards the middle and the end.
Feel level - 2 Baron's Strong Brew 8)

Let me know what you think
very moving. i like your tone, it reminds me of eric johnson a little.. but there was too much shred at some points imo. then again, on my second listen, it sounds good :D very nice feel, especially when listening to it on a night like this. that kind of head in the clouds feeling you know? there's a tinge of sadness throughout which i feel is very nicely done. uplifting? yeah definitely.

just how i feel!
Thanks for the kind words. I think listening it for the first time, you didn't know what to expect. A second go at it would make the structure a lot more obvious and hence more acceptable. Being an instrumental, the structure is a lot 'looser' as compared to songs with lyrics. And I like to structure stuff so that folks have something different to listen to.

As for hte Eric Johnson tone, I don't try to, it's the nicest, unless I tweak even more, what I already have. I do like heavier tones and even quieter tones. It all depends on the song.

Most guitarists have a specific tone that one can recognise. I'm more with Steve Howe (Yes) where the tone takes the secondary stage - the song must always be first and foremost. But a good tone is imperative - always.

Hope the song made you feel sad, happy, sad and then happy again. :lol: The song still needs cleaning up but that's for later.

Ized, thanks for the kind words. Been out of action for awhile here. I've got a few new songs that I hope to put up in the weeks ahead.
Hi bogdon and Taylorboy87
Thanks for the kind words. I'm hopeful that more good stuff is forthcoming - just need to find the time to structure my ideas.

i enjoyed this piece immensely Rork, your playing shines and you got great dynamics! love the melody as well....absolutely soothing :) 2 thumbs up!
Thanks for the kind words Slowish. More to come in the days/weeks to come. These are all home recorded and are meant to be a proof-of-concept exercise.

I'm not too certain if I'll post them here though. We'll see. I've set up a MySpace space ( and another at SoundClick - hope to be using those more often - tired of playing in my bedroom. :lol:

First time i heard u playing..

And you know what ?

I like it very much.... Very soothing..
Good job mate..

Hope to hear more of ur works.. :D

wow.its damn feeling :D yeah reminds me of eric johnson.well done.if you dont mind can you pm me of the effects you use in this song? :D well done
Thanks for the kind words guys. As for the effects, I can't really recall the specifics. I used a MiM Strat direct into the UX2 Toneport and then directly into the computer.

I recall using a compressor, quite a bit of reverb, a wee bit of distortion and perhaps a tinge of Chorus. It's important to use only the neck pickup to get that phat sound.

If you own a UX2, I can send you the settings file - let me know.

As for the tone, it is important how you attack the strings with your right hand and how you apply vibrato with the left. Additionally, I don't use a pick at all. I use my nails and fingers. I'm sure you noticed a lot of finger picking in the backing track. There's also the piano-like technique where I pick 3 strings at the same time. I feel there is so much more that can be done without a pick. I also use 2 picks occasionally - ie. two fingers for the soloing.

Thanks again for the encouraging words.

xfrail, I doubt that you heard the song in its entirety. Either that or you know very little about guitar playing.

The backing track alone has about 15 different chord variations played in a variety of manner. From picking to strumming to piano-style picking and includes artificial harmonics and tap-on harmonics.

If you've heard the entire track and still feel the way you do then at least do yourself some honour and elaborate on why you think that track sounds newbish to you.

There is no doubt that you are new here. Regardless, you are entitled to your opinions. But when you slam others, please have some decency and balance to explain your insults. Again, it is your prerogative to not like the track, but to slam it in the manner you did really makes little sense especially when I know you are wrong.

Feel level - 2 Baron's Strong Brew 8)

2 Barons for you - is just quenching thirst. hehe.

seriously, for a demo it has lots of possibilities, musically. whether it stays as it is, or should you transform it into a band thingy. wherever it takes you, the ideas are already there to build on.
Hey man,

I really like the backing you're playing! Really soothing stuff man! \m/

But i feel the lead guitar goes out of timing quite a few times.. And i think some licks are repeated too many times..

3:41-3:54 : Had a nice melody line going there, i felt maybe you should have continued on that..

4:25-4:35 : this is the lick i think you do a few times too many..

4:51-end: Soothing stuff going on here, nice end to the song!

Overall, i find this track's feel really good to listen to when you wanna just relax and unwind..

I hope i don't offend anyone with this, just my opinion!
Hi Paul and bam, thanks for the time and comments. Very much appreciated. Paul, we'll be heading down to HoR sometime soon. Great music and the women there are a handful, err ... I mean an eyefull. :lol:

Do you think they'll allow me entry if I turn up in a sarong? :wink:

bam, thanks for your effort and constructive comments. Good or bad comments, as long as they are constructive, as yours was, is truly appreciated. Timing is my biggest baddie - too much of playing alone in the bedroom.

The melody line at 3:41 - 3:54 was something I chanced upon while recording/improvising rather late into the recording. I too liked it but I didn't have the time to build on it as I felt there was enough there already for a demo. But yeah, I'd like to build on that part.

4:25 - 4:35
Hmmm, well I actually needed that to take the song onto another level. I played it three times, perhaps one more than I should. We'll see.

As for the eventual thingy, if it ever gets to that stage, it will remain strictly a two-guitar song - no other instruments. I think that makes the track unique and it goes well given the title of the song.

Thanks again for the comments.
just a few timing issues. i think it'd be better if you eq the sounds a bit more different from each other so one can easily tell which is rhythm and which is the melody. nice one, keep workin on it yeah. :)
Hi sofyan, thanks for the comments. I know I'm bad with timing. although there are times when I do it deliberately. If it's not too much trouble, could you point out the parts where you felt the timing was off? I'd appreciate it.

As for the mixing, I know it's rather poor but I'd rather concentrate on what I think I'm good at. Should the opportunity arrive, I'm sure a good engineer will fix those type of issues. But I'll keep your comment in mind cos' it shouldn't be too difficult to have the backing track emit a different tone from the lead.

As for working on this further, unfortunately, I have to leave it as it is for now. I've got quite a bit of other stuff that I'd like to work on first. I haven't recorded anything for almost two months and my head is swimming with ideas that I'd like to explore.
