oh noes...


New member
went down to swee lee to buy a pack of .10 d'addarios and everything went horribly wrong..

while restringing my ibanez....

the bridge started elevating while tuning it up. the bridge's "backside" was already sticking out of the guitar so much. i had to open up the back and tighten the 2 screws with the springs attached at the back to make it go back in. its still sticking out quite a bit tho'....

whenever i whammy with the previous strings i could bend it both up and down. now with these strings, i can bend it down easily but its really hard pulling it up!

i was surprised when i found the g string nickel wounded instead of it being a silver string alone. the tone of the string sucked and bending the string was really sianz cuz the warm tone was gone and replaced by a cold static one, and my fingers kept slipping off. even a pull off sounded so mellow...

haiz.....should have bought 0.09s instead....anyway, i wanna restring my guitar again. it will be my 2nd time restringing, but will it affect the nut and the bridge of the guitar?

firstly, changing string gauge requires a set up cos the higher tension would require straightening of the neck. also more tension so you would have to counter by tightening the springs at the back more. notice bending strings on higher gauge is more painstaking? same when u pull up on the trem of course. and lastly,

check the type of string u buy. u prob got a light jazz set or something thus the wound third. usual 10s dont come with that and im willing to bet since its jazz the low E is way thicker than 0.46

have fun.
u bought a wounded G pack. they usually use those for jazz. there are .10s with a plain G which is usually the case.

I'm assuming that you were using 9s previously. That's not surprising at all. If your second set of strings are 9s, then the action should be just like the way it was, provided you return all your spring screw setting back to where it used to be.

Not sure what you mean with the nut being affected though.

BTW, whether or not the G string is wounded should be indicated on the packing (eg. 0.016w or something like that). If you like D'Addario make sure you get the EXL120 one.

Good luck.
i suck at restringing too man, dont worry lol i always stuff it up.

ended up buying 12 -54's steel accoustic strings so i could bend and play pink floyd type stuff on my electric lol.. both my fingertips and i learnt a good lesson.

i'm guessing you've tightened your bridge too much? i wouldnt know, but ive worked with similar mechinisms on bikes n stuff and im guessing its too tight. can try loosening it.

nut shouldnt change eiter afaik. mines never changed.

penta-tonic said:
check the type of string u buy. u prob got a light jazz set or something thus the wound third. usual 10s dont come with that and im willing to bet since its jazz the low E is way thicker than 0.46

woah you got that right. in fact, its 0.49

oh btw guys should i remove the strings now to prevent any tension damage to the bridge??
You dont have to... It wont affect the bridge. Ait may tilt at a weird angle which can be fixed by adjusting the claw.
id suggest getting rid of the strings and getting a new set of strings which should be 10-46. no point sticking with a bunch of strings u arent happy with, esp the wound G. if ure not too sure abt this then take it down to davis and tell the guy u wanna do a setup and change string gauge. shouldnt be too costly plus u get someone who knows what he is doing working on your guitar. i usually do that cos im a guitarist and not a techie so i just spend time playing guitar rather than learning the trade..
every time i restring, im bound to worry. but in the end, i do manage. somehow if u just keep doing, u'll get it right. After a few times u will know the relation between strings, action, backside, frontside, backflip, whatsoevr :lol:

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