of pedals and effects...


New member
Hi guys, your thots on guitar effect pedals..

- Do your link everything you have to save time....

currently lazy ole me setup,

guitar - Boss MT2 - Boss BD2 - Boss CS3 - H2O liquid Chorus - rocktek Phaser - Boss DD3 - Boss GE7 (equaliser) - Amp

All daisy chained to a 1spot adapter. (i have the boss adapter, but was told that the 1spot is better?)

is this overkill??, realised that the sound may not be as pure bypassing the peddals without switching it on.

your views? think i might lose the GE7 and phaser...(fuzziness occurs)
With your Nomad - drop the distortion pedals and the compressors. I think the built in drive channel likely sound much better than the distortion pedals.

Plug the guitar straight into amp first and then into the chain - you can hear for yourself the difference.

If I were you, I'd just keep BD2, H20/DD3.

GE7: I think a guitar amp is well voiced already. If EQing is your thing, by all means.
CS3: I hate this compressor. And distortion introduces compression already. Unless you play a lot of cleans, forget it.
MT2: Have amp distortion.
Phaser: I don't use it. Nice, but not regular usage. Unless you use it regularly, else it's out of the chain..
H20/DD3: It depends what you want. Longer/shorter delays? H20 has an additional function in the chorus.
BD2: It's there to drive the amp. You could try driving the amp with MT2, I reckon the MT2 is a tad bit harder to tweak.

And lastly, if you haven't done so, get quality cables. Otherwise they'll suck the tone out of your setup. And if your guitar hisses incessantly, shield it.
hey man, i too link everything together. and yea there is quite a comprimise on my tone. im using a one spot too. in fact....im using 2 one spots cos my wah takes up 18volts. it prob isnt overkilling yout tone, but yea it would be gd to true bypass your pedal.or do something abt it i guess. i'll be modding my wah with true bypass once i figure out how (getting theblueark to help me out). also, i'm adding a a 2 true bypass box in one to my rig. 1 loop is for my clean and another loop for my dirty channels. this way, my tone isnt comprimised as much. however, it also depends on your pedals. some pedals are buffered instead of true bypassed so as not to lose out on tone. but personally i still prefer true bypassing. but in my opinion i wouldnt use getting rid of any pedals as a solution. but ofcourse its good to stick to just what u need. yea thats my view. cheers! :D
Try to type in coherent sentences, so that we can help you better.

I assume your 1st question was asking if most of us connect our stuffs and just bring everything as whole for jams/gigs, so as to save time?

For me, yes....definitely more convenient and beats carrying 5 pedals or more in a bag clinking and chipping off the finish. Faster setup time and your settings are fixed too.

I would say, keep the GE7 and ditch the phaser if you like. The eq might come in handy at times, imo.
imho, its not in the region of overkill at all. Some use more than 15 pedals on their board and with proper pedals(booteek way that is), tone lost can be reduced to minimum, via means of clean boost at the end of the chain set to unity gain, better patch cables so on.

One thing with boss pedal, while they do get the sound, but with couple of them in the chain, it will take away some brightness, aka tone that is. Some hear it, some dont.

As for tone sucking if using too many effect, straight from guitar to amp will be the best. If having the needs for effect, get some with better bypass and it should help.

And the last thing, tone loss/tone suckage sometime is a state of mind or maybe just a little bit which we hear in the room while playing alone. If in a band setting, sometime the music will take over and the slight tone loss can be negligible...

imo only!
multi-efx are never true bypass.

Anyway gapple, if your playing mostly with ur amp then use the onboard distortion and stick your modulation efx into ur efx loop. For more bite try a tubescreamer or a much cheaper alternative a Boss SD-1, sounds different from the tubescreamer but its shines with a tube amp. I like the SD-1 better than the ts 808 od in the Visual sound JH. Sounds better through my Laney VC30. I suggest u dumop the boss compressor, i have a MIJ one and i never did like it much.

The nomad is more of a classic rock type of sound, unless your playing metal i suggest dumping the MT2 as well.

1 or 2 boss pedals in a chain is still ok but puttting 3 or 4 there is a noticable loss in treble you dun hear that shimmer in your amp anymore. just compare plugging your guitar straight into amp and putting it through your efx. But then if your effects are on most of the time then this wont't be much of an issue to you =).
One thing I noticed is that most of your pedals have buffered bypass. So what you're hearing is not your amp true character.

If I were you, I'd as thor said, dump all except BD2 and the H20. Keep the DD3 only if you like it alot.

For abit more bite and boost, try the Bad Monkey. The buffered bypass is pretty good.
Lol.. :lol:

Although my nick suggest otherwise.. i m not a big idiot to ask such question...

i was just wondering how would it fair if i were to pair the multi-efx after i bought several pedals.. u know... when i have more dough then i wish to add a few more stuff to my rigs and back the remaining with my multi-efx... so i was just wondering how would it do? Would the tone of my guitar and amp covered up??
multiefx with single pedals, in term of discussion with words on effect, most of the time, it will affect the tone. It's hard to determine whether is it a good or bad thing unless trying it out and actually hearing the whole thing...

someways to play with those multiefx and single pedals

put the multiefx in the efx loop of the amp, single pedal to the normal amp input

Get a true bypassed looper pedal, put the multi efx in the loop and the rest of the sinlge pedals in line with the TB looper..

imo only...

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