Number for scape studios?


New member
Ok something helluva interesting happened when i called them to book a studio.

"hello scape"
"yea hi I'd like to book a jamming studio"
"ok give me a moment"

Puts me on hold for 45 seconds

"hello national youth council"
"Hi is this where I book the jamming studio for scape? I just called them and they redirected me here"
"oh no, you call their number on their website"
"oh ok thanks"

I nearly died going WTF.
Anyone knows what the hell the correct number is? I called the one on the list of jamming studios.
i called that number man, its the same as the one on the soft page, I kinda checked after that screw up. Nevermind I'll try again tomorrow.
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they provide jobs for overaged ppl with peterpan syndrome.


well I lost razi's namecard. you might wanna pm bands on their myspace ask them for his contact?