Ntu Drumzout Compeititon


New member

“Drumzout” is a Nationwide Percussion Competition organized by Nanyang
Technological University Cultural Activities Club.

We had so much fun organizing Drumzout 2009 and the response from all
participants was so great, we can assure you that Drumzout 2010 will come

In light of running this event for the 3RD consecutive year, we really hope that
your school will be able to join us for this event in 2010. This year round, we
have 4 Categories open for competition, and prizes for each different category!

The 4 different categories we have this year are as follows: Concert, Fusion
Alternative and Field.

To sum it all up, and for those who missed out on Drumzout last year:

“Drumzout aims to become a prestigious nationwide percussion competition.
To provide a conducive platform for percussionists to showcase their skills
and express their creativity. We hope to uncover and recognize talents and to
promote the appreciation of percussive music.”

More information about Drumzout this year has been attached to this mail.
This is a pre-publicity and pre-registration email to let you guys know about
our event. We will be sending out more information shortly; so do keep an eye
out for more of us!!!
Drumzout winner stand to perform for YOG!!!!

Invitation to participate in Nationwide Percussion Competition - DrumZout 2010

We are the organising committee for DrumZout 2010, from Nanyang Technological University Cultural Activities Club.

DrumZout is in its third year running and we hope it can be as fun and successful as the previous years. Through DrumZout, we hope to provide a conducive platform for percussionists from all age groups to showcase their skills and express their creativity. Apart from uncovering and recognizing these talents, we aim to promote the appreciation of percussive music to percussionists and non-percussionists alike.

Hence, we are inviting all percussion enthusiasts to form teams to take part in DrumZout 2010. Contestants will be able to share and exchange knowledge with each other and benefit from the nationwide exposure. In addition, they will be rewarded for their hard work with many attractive prizes. Champions from each Sub Category will get to perform at the inaugural Youth Olympic Games in the percussion village showcase's closing ceremony.

DrumZout 2010 will be collaborating with the annual Singapore Street Festival, which aims to give local young talents a chance to perform or be exposed to various performing arts. Furthermore, contestants are also able to gain experience from our panel of judges who are local authorities of percussion. The judges that we have invited are Mr Vick Veera, Mr Kelvin Kew, Mr Damien Lim and Mr Syed Ibrahim.

The closing date for registration is 21st February 2010.

For more information, please refer to the attachment "DrumZout Need-to-Knows" or visit our website at www.drumzout.com
Or you can contact me via my contact details below.

I seek your help in forwarding this invitation letter and the attachments to the relevant persons-in-charge. Thank you very much for your gracious assistance.

Best Regards,
ZhengRubin (Mr)
Liaison Officer | DrumZout Committee 2010 | Website: www.drumzout.com
Nanyang Technological University Cultural Activities Club
Email: ZhengRubin@pmail.ntu.edu.sg | Phone: 9273 5617