NOTABand looking for drummer


New member

We are NOTABand, currently recording originals and covers for our portfolio. We have passionate members.

Vocals and lead guitarist: Syafiq Hanafee, 19 years old
Rhythm Guitarist: Ozir Sha'aban, 20 years old
Bassist: Syafiq Akmal, 19 years old

We are young and aspiring musicians. Taking one step at a time. Have been in an ongoing search for a potential drummer. Someone who can create creative beats and play progressive/ alternative rock. Slots are still open for audition. Originally composing english songs, we are more focused on malay songs and music now. Completing our portfolio is the MAIN priority and the confirmation of our band members. Any drummers around our age group out there passionate and committed to music, do whatsapp or msg me;

Ozir Sha'aban +6593219987