nooby bass


New member
ok im new at playing bass, or any instrument for that matter, so i dont know much about brands and the differences between amps and all that. i know how to play, but dont actually own a bass guitar. so i was asking around at a couple of shops at peninsula plaza (mainly cos i happened to be there), and asked for packaged deal cos im on a budget. there was this one shop, i forgot the name, that sold a smallish bass and an even smaller cheap looking amp for 270, and this other place that offered better stuff for 400. i wasn't seriously intending to buy till christmas, so i didnt take note fo the brands. the 400 one obviously looked a lot better, and the guy told me that bass amps are supposed to be bigger or sumthin, and that smaller ones were available but not advisable.

so i got some questions. for a beginner who's just learning and is on a tight budget, which package would be more advisable (im using these two shops as the examples). is it true that bass amps should be bigger? cos i've heard that some people buy really god amps and they end up using like, only a tenth of the volume. i was also considering buying a cheaper bass now to practice and getting a better one when im more experienced/have more money. so yeah, any advice?