Noob bassist


New member
Hi, I am Phoenix (male - sorry guys). I just started with a 4-String bass 4 months ago. Prior to that I have had no formal musical experience (singing in Karaoke is not counted). I tried a normal 6-String before but couldnt do the chords so gave up on that - bass is easier for me to pickup.

I can't read musical scores, can only hack the tabs a little. I play by figuring out notes with my ears then arranging the bass riff on the fretboard.

I don't do much rock currently, and probably will never do metal. I do English and Mandarin radio songs, ranging from early 80's to recent ones (80's and 90's mostly). I try to figure out the bass of songs that I like previously or songs that I happen to hear on radio (Class95) as I drive and find that I like the song AND think I can do its bass riff.

I have not played with anyone in accompaniment so far. I have only practiced to the song as I play it back on the player. I will look for a suitable band to play along when I get better.

Bass fits because I am a very bassy person. All my previous personal musical equipment (MP3 player lah, walkman lah, hi fi lah, stereo lah etc) all have professional bass and treble qualities. I would not buy players that does not produce strong bass levels. Mini-compo's freak me out coz they do not produce low sounds at all.

I currently hack songs by Johnny Hates Jazz, Roxette, Sandy Lam, Julie Su (7-month concert stage stuff), Lisa Loeb, Suzanne Vega, Jann Arden and artistes of similar genres.

I am currently a working adult so I can't put much time in it, but I enjoy it everything I play my bass, especially when I manage to learn a new song.

Hope all the brothers and sisters here can help me as I get along my new hobby :)
welcome to the jungle
beware of aquanaut
he like to bully noob bassists :)
Welcome to SOFT!
and yea.. it's hard to put time in it if your're a working adult! haha.. hard to squeeze time. but nevertheless, you gotta keep on rocking as much as you can!
Practice hard buddy.. i know its hard for a working adult to cough out time to practice but well at least 2 hrs a day shld do the trick

I am a noobie bassist too.
Nice to meet you fellow noobie bassist.
Will you be my friend?