Nike Mercurial Vapour Rosas - Pink Boots!


New member
There's been a lot of debate as to why players might want to weare boots of this colour, especially since pink is often associated with being feminine. Recently, a few players have started wearing these boots, including Nicklas Bendtner of Arsenal, who came off the bench to score the winning goal against Dynamo Kiev. Other notable players to wear this colour are flying French winger Franck Ribery of Bayern Munich, and his fellow countryman Hatem Ben Arfa of Marseille, who wore them while playing against Liverpool at Anfield on Wednesday.

There are a few reasons cited as to why these players choose to wear pink boots, from personal preference, to milking public attention and even promoting breast cancer awareness ( Nicklas Bendtner's supposed reason ).

What are your takes on this highly controversial topic?
hahaha then explain palermo from the italian serie a. they're home jersey is pink.

sevilla wore pink as jerseys once too last year if i rmb correctly. hahah these are more attention grabbing than pink boots!!
pink is nice what...

so what if its associated with feminity!!

i'd get things like pink phones and pink mp3s, i like pink.

It's jus an open topic, not making any opinions per se, although i rather like Palermo's pink kit more than the pink boots.