Newbies need help! :)


New member
Hello people!
I'm intending to learn acoustic guitar with my friend but we got to get our own guitars first.

I've read up abit and it seems that for beginners with a budget of $250, Takamine/Maestro/Samick can be a good choice?
But which would be the more preferred brand actually? I'm intending to head to Maestro for their SD-1/SD-2 but would love to hear more opinions of experienced guitarist. :) I heard from one guitarist friend of mine Maestro is not bad but a little overpriced hence having a little doubt about it.

Meanwhile, is there any basic things to look out for when getting guitars?
And! Should we take guitar lessons for our basic fundamentals? We kinda suck at music theory and our music background is close to zero. :x Even though I play a little piano by ear!

Okay, thats for all I gotta ask from you great people!
Thanks in advance!
nah i think maestro is fine.

you guys could pick up yourselves first, or learn from a friend who knows how to play, or look for a teacher.

getting a teacher would definately be better, you pay, you get more..
IMO, a Takamine or Maestro acoustic should be the choice. I've tried a Takamine acoustic, boy does it sound good!. If you support local stuff, get a Maestro. It has good reviews too.

IMO, when getting a guitar, it's all about what you prefer actually. Whether you like the sound, the feel of the guitar, the weight, etc.

Get an experienced friend to help you out. :)
meekahsoh: ahh im good to hear that, at least that shows the price for maestro is worth it. i thought maestro was pretty good thou. thanks!

chrisiscoolerthanyou: okay! thanks for the help! def heading down to maestro then. :D

mus: ahaha, much agreed. but i can't really differentiate the guitar sound well when i was on maestro checking out the SD-1/SD-2 model. xD gotta drag a friend along then. but with the help of the assistant its good enough right?