Newbie thread.


New member
Hey guys i'm a total newbie at electric guitars but i'm really keen to pick it up, so i was wondering if any pros here can recommend me what guitars i can get???
i kind of want the sound of the strokes and arctic monkeys or something like that?
Also, maybe also a legit place to get cheap guitars for newbies?

really appreciate the advice! thanks bros!
Sounds like you're going to pick up a Fender strat style of guitar.

What's your budget like? It will help narrow down the scope.
cheap not necessarily good cos most of them are not set up properly and you might even grow to dislike the instrument.

get a decent guitar. save up for a rally LP or get a craftsman strat copy if you are on a budget. if you are more into the metal stuff, try LTD guitars. I really like the QC on those although I can't say the same for their parts.

end of the day, same question asked. what is your budget for both guitar and amp.