newbie question's about MIDI


New member
hi to all,

just to check,

midi is the most basic element needed to edit music ?

for example, i had the midi for hotel california,
and i just wanna the guitar and bassist to be pull out.

so i purchase some software like vubase,logic studio. whichever it is.
and do the editing. then export out as mp3.

so the final mix will have what i want?

one question?

where to get midi for population songs? where to buy?

how much do i need to invest if i wanted it to be more hazzle free?
who can ask for this service at a minimum charges?

Hi there from Belgium!!

First of all, MIDI is an impulsion, a signal sent from one device to another. MIDI is not a sound, it's an information.

If you have the MIDI for Hotel California, you probably have the MIDI for every instrument on several tracks(unless you just have the melody). Any MIDI track can be sent to a different MIDI channel, and you can assign a different sound to any channel.

You can get a sound emulator like the Roland Canvas, or any other that's freeware or inexpensive. You get a MIDI to USB adapter and you can plug your MIDI keyboard. Just an example, possibilities are endless with MIDI.