Newbie: How to do pentatonic? Got pic...


New member
can somebody enlighten me how to do pentatonic scales fingering?
stuck while learning it on a online guide


Does it mean
position 1- index finger barre 2nd fret, middle finger, ring and pinkie on 3rd fret?

postition 2 - dunno how
position 3 - barre on 7th fret and ring finger on 8th fret?
position 4- dunno how also

sorri if this is a stupid Q as i am a noob...
hmmz... u dont barre the red dots... the red dots are to be press individually... think for start... just remember the first pic...

how it is to be press... as of economic picking ... practise this way helps u to easier change when u need to play other scales

(lowE) - index followed by pinky
A - Index followed by ring
D - Index followed by ring
G - Index followed by ring
B - Index followd by pinky
(HighE)- Index followed by pinky

the following is like combining all the panatonic notes into the whole fret board... as u can see the similiarity from the end of the first pic.... with the biggining of the 2nd pic... for this.. u need a longer fret board pic.. with pics to help ya...

hope this will help ya...
you notice the bottom pattern of position 1 is the same as the top pattern of position 2.
so for example if u start the 1st position at 5th fret u play it like this

E 5-8
A 5-7
D 5-7
G 5-7
B 5-8
e 5-8

2nd position is

E 8-10
A 7-10
D 7-10
G 7-9
B 8-10
e 8-10

you are suppose to continue to position 2 after position 1 throughout the neck.after u reached position 5 go back to position 1.
You guys should google it or learn from a teacher. Getting information here is incomplete and ineffective.
thor666 mention something really correct... cant really even explain by just forum... i still believe in something.. call... observe and learnt... rather then read and learnt... :)...

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