Newbie bass question...


Ive played guitar for awhile but havent played bass before and Im going to buy a decent one just to play for fun.

Im now deciding between BC Rich Bass(dimarzio pick up, headstock inverse platinum style) or Yamaha BBN4. Both are 2nd hand, pretty good condition and selling for aroudn 350...

which should I pick?
Dude, we really can't tell ya, just go out and play them both, whichever feels/sounds nicer to you, go with that one. :)
uhh new here so yea

and im really not familar with bass and dont have any fren whose familiar w it either....nvm, ill juz c for myself
bin4christ said:
hey,i read on luther ads some1 said the $350 yamaha bass has the knobs look out yeah...

hey thanks for the reminder man...but this yamaha is from 1...and
he said in good condition. But yeah, ill check the knobs just incase
Generally yamaha's are quite solid and extremely versatile, i haven't heard too much about BC Rich basses though.

Dude, it doesnt matter which bass its good; its the player that makes it sounds good.

Even if you ask a noob to slap on a Gibson Thunderbird, it will still sounds mediocre.

Even I myself owns a TGM guitar, which is modified (most cheap basses have treble problems).

Hmm, I've nvr tried on the bass u mentioned, but for a cheap bass of quality sound, I suggest you add a hundred more for an Ibanez soundgear...
Actually, that really depends, i've tried a few ibanez basses that felt and sounded quite lifeless. I'm not dissing ibanez in any way, i own an SRX 500, but as with all basses, go out and try them, there will be some you like and some which you won't, no matter how many people tell you that bass is good, its all down to a personal thing. Most importantly, buy a bass that feels comfortable to you, even if it sounds a little weak, coz electronics can easily be changed, but the feel of the bass, now thats not so easy to modify.
Go and try as many basses as you can, don't just shortlist them for their looks.

In the long run, a bass with good feel and good tonewoods will serve you better than one that just looks good, but feels like a 2x4 and sounds like a blender.

The last thing you want is to spend your money on a bass that looks da shit, only to find out that it sounds like shit too.

Just my 2 cents worth. Hope I didn't offend anyone.
there's nothing wrong with starting with 5 strings.. i also started with a 5 stringed, but switch back to a 4 because i personally find it not "string economical" because of the kind stuffs i play... =X haha...
i also have a question
4 string basses are E A D G rite?
are 5 strings E A D G B? or smth else
cos i noe 6 strings are F# E A D G B...amd i rite?