Newb: Does frequent tuning of strings affect the guitar?


New member
I'm just concerned for the well-being of my newly bought Epiphone. Any adverse negative effects on my guitar if I tune between Drop C, 1/2 Step Down, Standard frequently?
You're right. What I meant was if you ever happen to say, start using gauge 10s on your guitar, you should get it set up appropriately to compensate for the change of tension.
no negative outcome if you employ non-standard tuning to your guitar. or that you changed your mind later & revert to the original tuning. or that it becomes fashionable to detune the guitar again when a certain band come into highlight. or... you get the pic.

i am reinforcing what CJ said above- with every detune/ string gauge change, there is a need to re-set up the instrument so that it adapts to this quirk.