New/Used Gear?


Do you prefer to buy new or used gear? And for what reasons?

For me, used=mojo.

And i would choose to own a vintage guitar or amp than a brand new one any day.

What are your opinions?
For Me, Depends.

if i got alot of $$$ to burn, i would get a new one.

if i am on a budget or if the item is rare/discountinued etc. i would get a used one.

but i prefer newer one as it feels good owning a un-used item.:mrgreen:
Both have their pros and cons I feel. A brand new piece would cost more, but it is new and in good condition. A secondhand piece is cheaper and may be in good condition, but there's always the issue of dishonest sellers selling faulty equipment. Sometimes, you don't realize they're faulty until it's too late. Luckily for me, the secondhand items I bought never disappointed me. There're good and honest sellers out there. :)
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prefere new and than add my mojo.

but for effect its either way depends on availability, price and good deals or not,