New to Guitar!


New member
Hi All.

I'm totally new to guitar and have no music background. Would like recommendation on whether i should learn guitar with music school such as yamaha or private guitar tutor? And any recommendation for private tutor? Am in a tight budget as i'm still a student.

Interested in classic guitar.

Thanks all and good day! :):)
I think go music school ah, or ask this guy on soft his nick is stringcast. Classical guitar cannot anyhow youtube lah, must play properly cannot invent your own style.
Thanks for all helpful advice.
Will learn on my own first then.
So first up, i need a guitar.
Any recommendation of good acoustic guitar at affordable rates?
My budget is around 150.
Not mind 2nd hand ones. Any 2nd hand shop around?
I've read some and it seem like bras basah and pen plaza?
:) tks all and good day!
I think you should enroll in classes to learn the basics first before you venture out on your own. Simply because their will be a teacher guiding you and correcting your mistakes. Sure you can learn techniques from youtube but the video won't inform you of any mistakes that you are making and when you continue making the same mistakes it will be very hard for you to correct them in the future. Trust me I was in your position before and having a teacher really helps. he/she will be able to help you progress faster as they know what finger exercises to help you train finger muscles, etc. I was a student in cristofori music school before and their rate for a beginner classical guitarist should be about $50 to 60+ per month i think. As for guitar, i recommend maestro and that you up your budget to about $200?
I think you should enroll in classes to learn the basics first before you venture out on your own. Simply because their will be a teacher guiding you and correcting your mistakes. Sure you can learn techniques from youtube but the video won't inform you of any mistakes that you are making and when you continue making the same mistakes it will be very hard for you to correct them in the future. Trust me I was in your position before and having a teacher really helps. he/she will be able to help you progress faster as they know what finger exercises to help you train finger muscles, etc. I was a student in cristofori music school before and their rate for a beginner classical guitarist should be about $50 to 60+ per month i think. As for guitar, i recommend maestro and that you up your budget to about $200?

Tks! I will consider your recommendation. Yup theres a cristofori music sch near my place too and i've checked out the price. I've a friend who actually recommend me to study basic and some theory first on my own before going to music sch to brush up on the techniques. Tks for your help anyway! :):)