New sound book at library


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2 copies at the Esplanade,

Understanding Audio
Berklee Press, 2005

The book covers basic principles of sound/acoustics, audio recording and equipment.

The author is an independent recording engineer and member of AES, etc.

This book is a concise basic sound book, the theory content is presented in a practical style.
The technical level suitable for O/N Level Physics but will cover much more without varsity level mathematics.

Highly readable, and a good reference to keep for any aspiring recording engineer.

If you have read and like this book. You can post your feedback here, bcos I had asked repeatedly to Esplanade lib to order this for the benefit of you all.
the last time I enquired about audio books at esplanade , they were more concerned about me hogging the queues and whatever that was in my bag. (it was the citymusic line6 toneport / home recording workshop date)...

maybe we're just better off browsing / reading up at borders.
Borders very likely may not have the book in stock, unless you repeatedly enquire about it, they may ship in to stock. Bcos I called them a few times last time.
You can find reviews in Amazon.
can try Page 1 at vivocity.. quite a variety of music books.. i was pretty impressed. Better than borders even maybe.
understanding Audio

Yeah! This book is brilliant. It covers the stages in such a way that it doesn't matter if you have 30 years experience in the industry or 30 minutes. It conveys everything so that even the most novice of us all can understand, yet it will still teach those with experience a thing or two.

Overall a very good book!


i just wish they'd start publishing creative books for audio engineering. I'm kinda sick of reading the same thing over and over again.

maybe i shall write a book.


or not.
:oops: javascript:emoticon(':oops:'):oops: so advanced.
Maybe you should also get Mastering Audio by Bob Katz.

One thing that can surely be creative for engineers is working on effects during production. I think creative effects composition can really add punch.

oh and i already have that book. however, i am a form believer that mastering should be left to those who know best...

mastering is more of an art form in my opinion, and i have yet to master something that i feel really sounds that good.


btw, does anyone have any tracks that i could try mastering, afterall practise makes perfect

Dear Cancerous,

Actually I not very clear about what you mention about "creative books for engineering". But certainly engineering perfection is art, art is perfection.
e.g. BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Toyota.

I think there's probably no prescription for creativity or art, so how is it possible to find these kind of books? If there are books that teach how to draw, one still has to develop own style and ideas to create art.


i never meant i want a book to tell me how to be creative in audio engineering.

i said i would like to read a book of other creative methods people have used in order to obtain a type of effect and such like.

we all know that a flanger, for example, which we take as an effect was created by being creative.

i just wanna know how other people are pushing the limits now a days and being creative, you know?

like, how did you get that drum sound, did you use any special technique that you would like to share, etc?

i just think it would be an interesting read you know.

take for example top 10 engineers and ask them to tell us all there top 5 secrets of the trade...