new orleans

padadadapap pap pada pap padadadada pap padadap ching ching ching paadadadapap...

i forgot who played it but the sond's called walking through new orleans.. got alort of independence on hi-hat.
yah bradder, stanton is the shitz. i'm trying to learn the trad stuff right now. man those measured rolls really have my hands working overtime. from wat i heard they use measured (dlb strokes) for the louder passages and buzzing for the softer. man i soooo want to get tht down.
I'm depressed.

Yesterday, I tried to sit down and look at Stanton's book more thoroughly. Looking at page 7 and 8 makes me want to close the book immediately.

woooo u got the boook, i'd have to photocopy it off u then. of maybeee i give u a free lesson? u copy it for me?
ihehe hehhe, hows the shuffles going?
Wahaha! Sure man! We can "share" the book and you can teach me when you are back!

Still trying to work on my shuffle and my swing. It's coming along. Whooo!
WAH! Coincidentally, I was listening to the Garage A Trois version of it when I was on my way home from the meet-up!

Good leh, which means after your exams you will know how to play the song really well. Then come back and teach me how to play it! Wahahaha!
yah sure, but i can't share like this.
when i get back i'd be giving lessons at the music labs.
we can share then
blurred, pardon my ignorance, but what exactly are you doing now? heh - wasn't really a regular poster. i gather you are taking a drum course or something overseas? where? berklee?

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