New Bass Fuzz


New member
I'm in the process of building a bass fuzz for my bassist. After doing some research I've realised how few bass fuzzes there are out there in the market. The Boss Bass overdrive he's using now sounds like crap in my and his opinion.

Initial experimentation proved very successful. We are extremely happy with the circuit I have made, and I will be putting it into an enclosure soon. Here's a soundclip for a taste:

First part is gain on full, 2nd part is half gain, 3rd part is gain turned all the way down. You'll see how responsive it is to your tone knob on your bass after that. The gain is on full again, with the tone knob fully down. Then I play around with the tone knob. As it's turned up, you'll hear an increase in fizz.

It works very well on Low E string riffing too, but unfortunately I did not capture that in the soundclip.

The pedal I'm making will have a volume control, a gain control, and a 3 position toggle switch for 3 stages of bass boost. This was included as he felt he liked less bass when using it for soloing, and more bass if he is going to use it for riffing.

I'm also building one for Ronin's bassist who seemed quite interested when I talked to him about it. A quick hands up if any more people are interested. Initial calculations place the price at about $140. I'll post pictures and more clips when I finish the 2 I am making, and will settle on the price again.
Hi Blueark you ever heard the Zvex Woolly Mammoth before? I think an attempt to clone that would be cool.

Oh yeah sorry forgot to add: Count me in :)
+1 on the wooly mammoth man. the sound clips sound killer

i'm not really feeling the fuzz man. at the start the distortion sounds like it's sitting on top of the bass not with the bass. doean't sound as heavy as i'd like to use. constructive feedback i hope.
The woolly mammoth is THE bass fuzz to get man. It's pretty damn sweet what it can do. However at $500 the price is pretty hot too.

I won't attempt to clone the mammoth as the schemetics for 3 reasons:
1) Schemetics will be hard to souce for which means I will probably have to buy one and open it up to see what's inside,
2) the ethics of copying a known manufactor's product is something I don't want to cross
3) I bet it's a really complicated circuit and the price will shoot up if I make it too.

The woolly mammoth has an immense amount of controls to tweak every aspect of the sound. I tend to prefer to build effects which have more useful and simple controls. The sound is also different, from what I hear in the woolly mammoth's sound clips. Treat these 2 as differently as guitarists would treat different distortions.

I built this effect to give my bassist that Larc an ciel bass solo fuzz tone, and it does exactly that. He says it reminds him of Muse also.

ever heard the Bass Blowtorch?
I have not but just did a search and it looks like another pretty complex bass distortion, like the Rat Juggernaut. Derryn from Ronin tried out the Rat one and hated it. Will be lending him a prototype of my bazz fuzz to see if it does better.

i'm not really feeling the fuzz man. at the start the distortion sounds like it's sitting on top of the bass not with the bass. doean't sound as heavy as i'd like to use. constructive feedback i hope.

Yep I get what you mean. I thought that when I heard the clips on my computer too. It sounds a bit different when you hear it live though. Also, that was without the bass boost on, which my bassist prefers for lead lines. I'll get my bassist to play something when it's done, and make a better recording showing more of the tones you can get out of it. I think my bass playing leaves much to be desired haha :D
dont u tink it sounds rather thin?and the fuzz..the fuzz pushing the amp to its limit and the sound distorts.

in any case.nice work!
the l'arc en ciel overdrive bass tone (i'm assuming you guys are referring to the one on stay away intro/bass solo) is very nice. just take note - it will -not- cut through with a guitarist playing in live, unlike in the recording, where you can hear both instruments distinctly. I play in a L'arc cover band and I've experienced that first hand, and even on L'arc lives Ken, the guitarist, doesn't play over the bass solo.
one of the reasons why muse and larc can get away and cut tru with the fuzz tones on their bass is because of their band setup muse is a 3 piece and ken and tetsu give each other alot of space musically when u watch them play live.
is that so. i have -never- managed to be able to play guitar and not interfere with the bass solo from my bassist, on that song. Neither does L'arc play guitars on that part live. And my bassist runs an overdrive with an EQ some more. I've basically stopped playing because it just sounds better if the bass solo stood out.
i tink i might have that clip somewhere ard also. anyway with just the bass solo running it felt a bit empty, we just palm the backing chords lightly.
that's cool. :) i palm mute too, but it doesn't seem to help as much. heh.

well we don't play much L'arc nowadays anyway. Doing more English stuff and originals.
Here's a pic for all you larc fans. Available at most supermarkets :lol:


My bassist was using the boss overdrive at the time. With the new fuzz he should be able to cut through even more. We'll see once I finally finish it and we gig with it :D
hey hey,
so what's the status on the fuzzy pedal? saw your site on the internet and its making me really interested as to what you guys can do! i've been looking for a fuzz pedal as well, fell in love with the tone when i heard radiohead's exit music (for a film), and getting that stay away tone would definitely be a dream!
The Bass Driver frm Digitech.
Turn Level knob to half of full, Tone to one mark less than half of full, Blend to half of full, and Morph knob to full all the way. Kick ass.