need help with timing..


New member
i've been playin bass for slighly more than a year and my timing is horrible.. is there anyone can help me? like record a simple example and post it here? so i can learn..cos u might wan ask me use metronome also no use.. cos i dunno how to use.. unless someone explain it to me.. and record an example..another things. dun ask me to practice.. cos i dunno wat to prac to make my timing better.. i can pratice for hours and if i dun practice the correct thing also no point.. so i need help!!

best is someone is kind enough to record a SIMPLE example and explain to me.. how to prac and etc..
fluzzeee, i recommend you to learn at a music school. dont have to take lessons for very long, just stop when you get your basic down.
1,2,3,4 keep counting in your head when you play... find a song you like, get into the feel, and start counting to the beat of the song... hope this helps...
yeah I agree with spikes. I felt kinda weird initially but it does help you to develop that "natural pulse" in your head...

Another thing you could do is to listen to songs which have a constant drum beat like Hoobastank- The Reason and count 1,2,3,4 along the drum beat
juz gotta "feel" the rhythm, it'll come naturally. juz think of how ur bass will sound so good along the drums. sumtimes when u listen to music, u hav the habit of mimicking the drums rite? datz the rhythm of a song, the beat..juz follow it.
oooo. okie. this clear some question.. hahaha.. okie.. i will play with the groove and jus have my feet tapping to get the timing.. okie.. maybe i record down a simple playing and ask for u guys opinion.. :) thx

i gt no time for class at the moment.. maybe in a couple of weeks time.. i can take class.. :)
fluzzeee said:
maybe i record down a simple playing and ask for u guys opinion..

ya, record something and let us listen. maybe you are already very good in timing? :lol:
dun dismay. Almost there. Count out loud... 1..2..3..4

Play a note on every count. Yes, u change very slow so u might wanna try something slower.

Do another recording after u practice. Make sure we can hear u count 1...2...3..4. haha

yea good luck.
hullabalooeeks said:
dun dismay. Almost there. Count out loud... 1..2..3..4

Play a note on every count. Yes, u change very slow so u might wanna try something slower.

Do another recording after u practice. Make sure we can hear u count 1...2...3..4. haha

yea good luck.

okie.. i will.. thanks for the advice.. need more pratice..
fluzzeee said:
gordonzz said:
fluzzeee said:
hey!! here the sample.. it very simple playing.. i jus pratice on timing onli.. so ya.. paiseh.. half way my nephew ka jiao.. lol!! :oops: :oops: so u can listen to teh first 20 sec onli.. then the rest my nephew start to ka jiao me!!

so how my timing?? i think i change too slow -.-"

u sark la bitch!! smd


thanks for the encouragement!! biatch :) lol

go have ur beauty slp la bitch... shoo
Starting was pretty ok but it got inconsistent towards the middle. Must be due to the lose of concentration prior to the interruption.

I think the use of metronome or drum loops will be a big help to you. I'll explain how to use them in your case. For a metronome, you just need to hear the ticking sound. For drum loops, try to identify a consistent repetative drum beat (which is usually the bass drum).

Set them at a low speed or tempo initially, e.g. 80-90 beats per minute. Since your notes are all single beats, pluck or pick your string accordingly whenever you hear a tick or a drum beat. Play your notes along with the ticks/beats slowly but clearly. If not clear, lower the speed further.

When you think you're ready to move on, increase the tempo by 10 beats per minute gradually until you get the desirable speed. If you become messy along the way, for example at 110 beats per minute you keep missing the last note, then reduce the tempo back to 100 and practice until you feel comfortable. Repeat the whole process until you think you've reached your limit.

This is one way to cultivate speed and timing which I think will also solve your "slow change" problem. This technique applies to all musical instruments.

Another good way of developing speed and timing is by sub-dividing beats. That means you first play 1 note per tick/beat at a slow tempo, then you go faster by playing 2 notes per beat (at the same tempo), then 3 notes, and so on...

Try these software for creating your own drum loops. They are free.

Hope these help.