Need help on string guage!!!


New member
Is there any problem with changing string guage from 9 to 10s? Must any kind of adjustment be done cos I am currently new to it... Will be changing strings soon and need to know the possible dangers...

Thanks in advance guys...
eh... huh... but for ibanez guitar??? Cos when I change the acoustic guitar string guage 1 notch higher the difference was significant. The tension was higher sound wise was fuller and louder... so I kinda afraid neck break for ibanez guitar cos neck looks kind of thin...
haha... I thing I take strings out first and clean the fretts with some solution then I polish guitar... lastly I put in the 10 strings on and check tension as I go along... If the tension too strong I think I will release the string and got to a guitar shop... see how it goes loh... haha... thanks spike!
lol...ok I will keep that in mind... and have constant checks on the neck... will update on the job once I am done...
u could compensate a bit first by leaving the strings at Eb tuning. There's a bit less tension that way. Note it isn't a permanent fix though. And you compromise your intonation a bit too. if you want you can fix up the intonation but if you have a floyd rose it's really going to take time....:(
haha... ok... Lucky I bought a fixed bridge guitar... didn't want the complication till I am able to handle it... :lol: