Need help on progressing


New member
Hi guys, i have been self learning guitar on and off my free time for some time now and have a good grasp of the basic chords but I'm not sure how to move on from here. Some questions I have:
  • Action on guitar - I have been practising alot on strumming but my acoustic guitar action feels high and I often have problems getting the bar chords properly. I also find that i play a little better on my other electric guitar with lower action. I'm using a cheap 2nd hand guitar by the asahi brand, the thing is I familiar with it, I like the sound on this guitar and I have also change to electric strings. Should I be looking for a new guitar or should I get used to playing high action?
  • Learning further - What's the next step now that I can play songs that I want? I have seen videos of guitar players mixing variations of picking and strumming and I have trouble advancing to that kind of playing, should I go for classes or get a personal instructor?
  • Music theory - Should I be learning more about the basics of music, learning how to read tabs and notes properly?
  • Guitar scales - I have heard and read a bit on scales for soloing, but not sure if i should be learning it at my level?
Thanks! :)
action on guitar - it can be adjusted, you know...? so there is no need to go to the extremes of changing the entire guitar...

scales - no harm trying out something easier such as major/minor pentatonic scales
Actions on guitar - this should not put a lot tension to your hands, finger etc. playing in very low action will not help you either. experiment on the height of action until it is comfortable with your hands.

Learning Further - I think you should first learn the two hand synchronization between picking/strumming and fretting, if you don't have this basic physical ability yet you cannot advance further on physical playing. It is better for you to have a good teacher if you wish to go further from playing guitar into playing music.

Music Theory - It is a must this is the very foundation of music.

Scales - Yes as early as you are beginning to learn the guitar it is already an advantage to learn the scales, start with a major, natural minor, melodic and harmonic minor and learn how they are constructed or piled up. You can greatly benefit on this if you first memorize every single note on the fretboard.
Guitar Action
By lowering the guitar's action, the playability of the guitar will be increased significantly. This is because you are using less pressure or strength on the fretboard itself for chords/scales and what not.

Learning Further
It is better if you have a guitar teacher to guide you along though I didn't have any myself. Do note on taking up lessons from reputable teachers such as Simon Yong, Dhalif , Rosli Mansor, Paul Danial.

Music Theory
Your guitar teacher will probably cover this in his lessons. Then again, look at Jimi Hendrix. He didn't take any theory lessons. You may know music theory but it is different as compared to technique. Theory is absorbed but technique is practised.

Just learn the 5 shapes of the Aminor Pentatonic Scale (as most guitarists do) and after which is where the magic begins.

All the best in your fretboard adventures !