Need help in regards to noise issues


New member
Just bought a guitar two days ago.

Guitar is checked by local luthier saying that it's properly grounded.

Tried with 3 pin amp (live, neutral and ground/earth) had NO noise problem.
However, tried with my 2 pin(live and neutral) vox pathfinder 10watts amp, it will have some serious loud guitar noise which will stop the moment I place my finger on the output jack of the guitar.

But what I don't understand is, when I play my other guitars (ESP and schecter) they do not have this problem.

My question is, is there anything I can do to the guitar to solve it? All the local shops ask me to remedy by changing the amp to 3 pin.
But I don't understand why my other guitar works while this new axe doesn't.
(extra information ESP is emg, schecter is passive Duncan designed. This new axe is generic brandless pups. )

Help is much appreciated.
Perhaps the issue is more the amp than it is the guitar, since you mentioned the noise issues stop with a 3-pin power cable. Is your guitar an all-single coil configuration? I have a guitar with '54 custom shop pickups and they're really noisy (free 60-cycle hum included).

You can try:
1. Changing the 2-pin to a 3-pin power cable for your amp. Try plugging straight into the wall instead of going through a power strip, see if that makes a difference.
2. Try the amp from different power points in the room/house. Some areas pull a lighter load in the distribution around the house and may be quieter.

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