Need help! Best buy for bass compression at ard 200?


New member
Hello guys. I know there were previous threads about compression but id rather get define answers from you guys so we can all get straight to the point. Plus i didnt really find the answers to my doubts :?

Alright well im looking for a compressor that..well say compresses well and doesnt take away my lows with that warm-ish tube like sound. Nothing fake or bland i guess. Something thats obvious and that can control fuzz tones (eg big muff). And not like the boss bass limiter. Haha i couldnt hear much of a diff on that one. So could you guys recommend something around 200? Thatl be sweet!

And been meaning to ask which in your view is better and whats the diff between the ehx blk and white finger

Tks guys, wont know what to do without ya! :wink:
good transparent compressors work well when you can't really tell they're working. dbx166, citrus, demeter compressors will give you that effect. it's more of an overall mix thing than anything else.. if you want something obvious, you'd be looking at any of the signature compressors like the orange squeezer or ross or dyna circuts.

could help you more if you elaborated on 1) how you want to control your muff and 2) why you want a compressor first :)

as for the ehx question.. there's really almost no difference between them. i guess you would look cooler with some tube things in front of you, but then again, tubes in pedals aren't really worth it. take note that ehx components are pcb mounted instead of chassis mounted, so they'll end up busting after a while. very annoying.
Alright well. Firstly i want a compressor to prevent those extreme vol peaks caused by hitting the strings with the pick to hard and to control slaps. Basically to make it smoother. And i hardly use the high tones of the bass. Love that deep tone. So just to keep it tighter.

As for the muff. Well even when the gain knob is at 9 oclock it gets pretty noisy...(unpleasant kind) and i feel like it just gets all over the place man. I want that tight controlled smooth fuzz like-sound.

Thats about it.
Really appreciate you sharing your knowledge :)
actually .. with practice and good technique .. you won't even need compressors .. unless your bass has a really high headroom and goes a bit wild on it's tone .. =) ..
are you running any pedals in front of your fuzz?

agree somewhat with exin on the technique part, but the opposite also holds true in the sense that (i'm guessing) when you're playing live with CA, the dynamics of your playing might change as well as opposed to in the studio... i know mine do.

you would do well with the citrus compressor; it's what i've been using. the ehx comps are great for live applications but for recording, the noise floor is a bit high. i'd much rather play without a compressor, but it's easier for live applications to help bring out the more subtle parts of your playing e.g. harmonics, and helps to protect amps without limiters as well. i know the cone in the 1x15 bass amp at fourtones will totally spaz out if i don't use the compressor, but i don't like the built-in hartke compressor so i use my own.

if you like the deep tone, you might want to take a look at a dual-band compressor. trace elliot used to make one a really long while back which was really great, but they discontinued it for some reason. the newer alternative is an ashdown dual-band compressor.. not too sure how much it costs though.

a compressor isn't a necessity for bass players, but it definitely is for the FOH engineer. no biggie if you don't have one, but it's not bad if you've got one on your rig either. that said, work on your technique first, and if you still feel the need for a compressor, go for it :)
I think compression is essential for slap bass. But then again, how many actually slap that much to warrant the need for a compressor.

It helps for fingerstyle also I guess. Consistency is very essential for bass players.
Alright..ive heard good things about the citrus comp. But will it suck up some of my lows? And issit somewhat appropriate for slapping? thats just for playsake.

As for my muff ill just tell you what i have :wink:
Fender jazz bass->Korg DT-10->Boss Bass EQ->Line6 Echopark(noisy fella)->Big Muff usa-> Sansamp bass DI->amp

yeap! well i want a compressor not cause i have a prob of technique or anything but more of the want to get a cleaner, tighter sound :)

Right now im in the midst of recording CA's songs but as for the compression i rather record without one then add a lil compression if needed from the studio comp. So basically the comp im looking for is for my gigs. yea. OK i want smtg to control my damn muff, make my sound slightly "tighter" and keeps that low tone baby :lol:

But i can boost the lows on the bass di and eq so still many options!

Tks again guys...we all learn here :D
Get a limiter, not a compressor, unless you don't mind raising the noise-floor while the muff is on (high-gain settings).

EDIT: I just read what you posted Rylche. Actually there is another way out of the compressor for slapping thing. Most people's slapping is louder than their plucking (fingerstyle). So for places where there's no limiter for my bass channel, I simply turn my volume down a notch. Others prefer to scoop their mids for the same reason - not to annoy people F.O.H. For me I like some mids in my slap tone so... If the whole song is not slapped (likely), I just pluck harder at the bridge to compensate.
As for my muff ill just tell you what i have
Fender jazz bass->Korg DT-10->Boss Bass EQ->Line6 Echopark(noisy fella)->Big Muff usa-> Sansamp bass DI->amp

I would advise you to get a separate power supply for your Echopark. I assume you're chaining it, hence the noise issues.

Wierd that you put your delay before your drives but oh well.

May I know the settings on your EQ and your Bass DI? Sometimes when you boost the presence control on the Bass DI too much it can result in very sharp attack tones

It might be a good idea to put the Bass DI first, right after your tuner, and the EQ pedal elsewhere (for eg. after the drive, engage the EQ for solos etc)

as for the delay it was after my muff at first but for some reason it was a lil quieter before it. as for the DI settings. the presence doesnt even go past 10 oclock so the vol peaks arent that insane. the EQ has my mids slightly boosted.

And thanks i will try the seperate power source for the echo park :D

So just a compressor to keep it smooth and violin like 8)