Need Advice: Gibson BFG or Gibson LP Junior? or....


New member
Hi ! andGood blessed day y'ol.....

I need an advice, I wanna get a gibby for my 14yrs boy... and i have come to these 2 options; a Gibson BFG and LP Junior, both are used and both are about similar price.

My son had previously a Gibson SG and LP special (P90) but I had to sell them due to some financial constraint at one time (anyway my son not into SG). Think now its time to pay him back :) . Currently he already has; Black top Fender Jazzmaster, Epiphone ES333, Modded Epi (shifty) LP custom and he is into genre like Punk, Brit-pop, grunge to pop rock.

My queries are :

1. As a non-guitar playing and working-class dad... hmmmh I care "alot" for the resale value; which of the 2 would be a more advantage in terms of resale value?

2. As an LP player yourself which one would you choose if between these 2?

3. Or should I just get a brand new Gibby LP Studio for $13++/-...

4. Or should I save another 1 or 2 months and get a used Gibby LP standard?

Note: I know many says about the "feeling" but my son is too young to get that, he tried all and dont mind any of them... :)

Thanks for your kind advice....

Ciao and have a great weekend....

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1. difficult to tell, depends on the condition after and other factors.
2. BFG
3. $13++??? from where?
4. Standard against the Jr, BFG or studio bro???
Hi An2,

1. BFG about 7/10 and the LP Jr is 9/10.
3. $1360/- I meant for a new Gibby LP studio
4. Yes, what i meant rather than spending 1k+ on either those 3, should I wait and save for an LP std?

thanks for the response bro :)
ask your son to focus on the playing, not the gear.

no offence but personally i think you should fund your own hobby to appreciate the guitar more.
^ agree with the above two posts.

He might not like the P-90s in the Jr, might not like the finish on the BFG, etc.

Also, Gibson a bit too ex lah. He already has 3 guitars. Let him enjoy those he currently has, and save up for his own guitar! Makes him enjoy it a lot more anyways.
Agreed. Don't spoil your son. How I wish my dad asked me what guitar I wanted to buy! I spent the first 2-3 years learning guitar on my dad's old acoustic until i did really well for my exams and my parents bought me my first elec, from then on I bought almost everything with my own money. That's where I really learned how to appreciate gear, learned about all the different aspects of guitar. But it was before I got into buying gear where I really just concentrated on technique, to make sure I got the basics down and not make common beginner mistakes etc.