Need a guitarist anyone?

Leo Roar

New member
Hi everyone

For any band or fellow musicians who need a guitarist to complete the band line-up for leisure jam session or likewise, here's a brief introduction about myself -

I'm an intermediate guitarist who's been playing on & off for the past few years in the comfort of my room :p
I'm still learning/experimenting much in using sound fx
I'm not choosy in genres, as long as its playable & melodic (music is universal, no language boundaries for me)
I'm able to learn much songs by ears & tabs
I'm able to jam on Friday night or preferably on weekends due to full-time job commitment on weekdays :p
I'm able to jam at least once or twice per week if needed be

It will be long-winded to list the songs I would love to cover or improvise. But for your easy reference, there's a link in my signature to my jam covers

For anyone interested in forming up & giving it a try together, I can be reached via here or

Hope to hear from u guys soon :D
Hello again everyone

Just to update more about myself, I'm Rudi, turning 33 this year & a malay intermediate guitarist. But likewise I've mentioned in my earlier post, music is universal & we can jam any playable songs as long as everyone will enjoy it. That's the idea afterall right, to have fun & enjoy the jam session together as a band

As of now, I'm still looking much with my doraemon binoculars lol :p

Hope to hear from u guys soon :D
Hello again everyone :D

Updates to my recent posts -

As of current, I've managed to set up a new band consisting of 1 rhythm/lead guitarist + vocalist, 1 bassist & myself as the band's temporary drummer + vocalist :p

Shout-out goes to vocalist & rhythm/lead guitarist OR drummer who wanna join me & the band for a regular weekend leisure jam while learning from each other & having fun out of it

The band is currently jamming some covers from Megadeth, Metallica, Iron Maiden & Firehouse but more songs will be covered in time due to the bandmates' interest in exploring more genres. The band is also playing multi-language songs mainly pinoy, malay/indo & english due to bandmates language limitation :p Music is universal afterall without the lyrics to set it apart ~

For anyone interested, I can be reached via here or

Hope to hear from you guys soon :D

Thanks & rock on \m/