Need a good set-up.


New member
Anyone knows a good and reliable shop to give my guitar a good set-up? Not too expensive ones too thanks.
you pay for what you get.

malcom is the jedi master of setups man...

yea man, send your guitar to him for a setup and u'll love your guitar for life. definitely worth the money. the best of the best. can't get better than that. it'll be really really worth it.

Go to the third floor of Bras Basah complex.....look for the shop....Ranking Sport....theres a guy by a name of Hanafi......he can fix for u a get a good setup from him. He can get the bell sound out of ur guitar. Price are neg.

Feel free to ask more n dont forget to bring ur axe....


you pay for what you get.

yea man, send your guitar to him for a setup and u'll love your guitar for life. definitely worth the money. the best of the best. can't get better than that. it'll be really really worth it.

huh? you only do setup once for life meh?
huh? you only do setup once for life meh?
lolx. no lah! u play and your music progresse, obviously you'll feel different needs and playing styles from your guitar. then you'll want to reset it up and all. BUT THATS NOT THE POINT!!...the point is that his setups are really worth it!.......lolx... :D:D
Please e-mail me at empty71 at hotmail dot com

In your e-mail, please state make and model of your guitar and if you'd purchased it new.
I have to dig this thread up. Malcolm is really the best person who does setup here in SG in my opinion. Both my Gibson and Ibanez has been setup by him, and he really knows what he is doing. Abit more expensive? Yes. The work he does is immaculate and I have no worries on my guitar being messed up, dinged up or anything. Action is low without buzzing while still retaining the volume of the guitar. I have had experiences where I paid a hefty sum and my guitar was shoddily setup.

Thanks man! Nice RMC picture wah I have to say.
thats y i learnt how to set-up myself! lol it may be shoddy, but hey, its free! and whats more! its fun! now.. trying to put some more shims on my neck there and see what it does... hehe... action gets higher as i go down the fret board... springs position... err... no idea what i'm doing but heck... diy is fun anyway

maybe reverse the pickups... cant do soldering though... :(

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