Narrative based committed band looking for Guitarists!


New member
Been a long while since I have graced these forums. My names Algernon and my band is looking for a singular or pural version of guitarists.

Narrative based band: Basically what it means is that we're a band that writes songs based on telling a story, we write stuff that matters and have no inclination toward playing songs that are purely for fun or just for the sake of shelling out songs. Music is communication, we intend to follow that rule.

Genre: Alternative metal, progressive, other elements inclusive of hardcore and electronica. Base example would be the Deftones. Please have a knowledge of the band before you apply. Currently our ensemble is of a drummer, bassist using effects and myself pertaining toward samples and vocals.

What we are looking for: Guitarists of good skill with application of effects to their music. Multi effect pedals are cool too. Please dont just show up with a metalzone and expect us to be able to work with that. We're a pretty serious band, so though its fun, dont be tardy or make us have to cancel a session because you cant make it. We're dedicating one night a week to this.

Pluses: A keen interest in story, books, movies, music, games, you name it. We want people who mull over these attributes and enjoy making music with that idea in mind. Over time we may even become friends!

Extra skills: If youre a female guitarist who has an interest in singing for us as well, keep in mind that the position is strictly in the back up vocal zone. We might be interested in doing female only tracks but dont push it. Also, if you like messing around with sampling programs, feel free to muck around with me on it.

Ambition: WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR PAYING GIGS! That is not our absolute goal, if it comes, fine, but only for our music. We're doing originals and our ambition is toward an album to record first, gigs and all that assorted stuff can come naturally, but we want to get our music out there, not just have it heard at a gig then disappear into working lives. We admire the Observatory, not FBE.

Contact: If you have read this whole thing, you pretty much are keen in joining the band, contact me, Algernon at 90473817. Anytime of the day. We'll chat and I'll evaluate you then we can work on stuff. Thanks for reading!