Name some of your favorite stereo micing techniques


New member
1)The Mid-Side (MS) Stereo Microphone Technique (two C414)
2)ORTF (a pair of Gefell M930)
3)space pair for drums overhead

These are three of my favorite stereo mic technique. You don't need a decoder for the m/s micing...i learn this from universal audio. sound fuking awesome on clean gtr in front of my vintage fender amp.

ORTF mainily for stereo room ambience...expensive mics but worth every cents!!
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bored ah sean?

m/s is great..wish i had a good fig-8 mic heh

binaural recordings are pretty cool, i've got 2 little omni mics that i want to try building into some sort of dummy head setup when i have time. probably wont see much practical use but im sure it'll be cool for effects and such..
If you have a good sounding room, spaced omni is really natural sounding. I like it on classical guitar.

I made some binaural mics that are fitted into ear. I made them using panasonic omni capsules glued onto some old in-ear headphones. The 3D effect is amazing by itself but it's very hard to mix with other material.

Next up I'm going to try building a Jecklin disk. Then maybe an ambisonic mic.
Tried all mentioned so far. Last used was a Jecklin disk, but it didn't work out too well. Need to build a better disk. :)

Have been looking at ambisonics for the longest time. Thing that amazes me most it how such an elegant solution has been largely ignored. (or really scrutinized depending on your point of view.)

More amazed that someone else on this little isle knows about it!
One cool trick to give vocals a really sinister feel is to record the same vocals 4 times, then pan one recording hard left, another 50% left, one 50% right, and the final one hard right. Particularly on headphones this will give your vocals a disturbing "hivemind" feel. :>
Would recommend not recording an entire song this way, instead just save it for phrases or bits of lines that you want to add extra emphasis to.
