My debut guitar instrumental album - 'Transcend'


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My guitar instrumental album - 'Transcend' is finally mixed !

Releasing on the 15th of June, The 9-song 'Transcend' is about different states of human emotion, captured, embellished and voiced through the Electric Guitar


You can hear full-length versions of 2 songs at or to buy the CD

EDIT - Free download of the album here! Each download (not play) generates revenue for the Cancer Society of America, so make sure you download :)

Looking forward to hearing from you guys :)

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pretty good stuffs there brother ! all e best !

awesome solos man.
rock on ! \m/
do keep me updated on how to grab ur album .
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please list down all ur gears..
im sure many of us would like to know..
ur tones are a killer and u have my 100% support..
Cheers to all the feedback

Tonewise, it was a strat into my 10 watter Solid state :( into guitarport.

The 10 watter was added to give me an 'amp response' which I felt was lacking on the guitar amp sims of the line6 products - 'note decay' i felt was very weird.

Overall, far from the ideal setup, but certainly worked, and on a budget :)
Outstanding! Power lah bro! :twisted:

Its nice to hear some real good originals from a fellow softie once in a while!
Hey Sridhar, will you be officially launching your album at a specific venue on the 15th or will it just be up for sale?
I'd love to go watch you play live!
Cheers all :) Feedback is much appreciated.

vickomaniac - I would love to play this stuff live, however currently my time is being taken up a lot of administrative things :S. But, I would definitely say a gig is on the cards in around a month's time !

About launch, I have no idea of a good venue - suggestions ?

The album will go up on CD baby as an mp3 download, or a physical copy with artwork and fancy printing can be bought from me directly. Cheers!
alright, do keep us updated!

hmm perhaps earshot cafe at the arts house?
free rental if i'm not wrong and you can perform there too!
do let us know where we can get your EP from. kudos to u for your songwriting! :) looking forward to ur release! \m/
the melody or solos sounds good, i guess it's your identity..

but the rythm progression from the intro till 00:40 sounds predicable, perhap some twists to it will enhance whatever comes after.
Hey dude, checked out the website, cool page!
Anyway, thanks for the 2 free downloads, 'Trippin is having some playtime on my iTunes (;

Can't wait for the album launch, I'll get my copy there!

Congrats on your release, Sridhar!

hey dude, you are really great at writing these stuff! the tracks seriously blew my mind off. how can your tone sound so good with all those subtle pick attacks, hoho if possible, please share with me directly by pm! i'm your instant fan because the stuff i love on guitar and the stuff i play in my room are really similar to what you do! not to mention influence from dream theatre as well (your tone sounds AMAZINGLY like jp's overdriven tone btw)

i will definitely get a copy of your album, please tell us how and keep up the good work and if you know other artistes such as yourself do recommend their albums and music too! cheers!
@ Vicki - Thanks and Cheers! :) Ill see you at album launch! Do join the facebook group too

@ keithC - Appreciate the detailed feedback :) It sounds a bit like John Petrucci's overdrive but the whole album was recorded through a JCM800 amp simulation (line6 guitarport), which is more along the marshall overdrive side.

About the pick-attack subtleties, Its definitely got more to do with the kind of pick you use - I use a thick pick, nearly 3mm and that allows me to both dig in to the note, as well as play it nice and soft.

Also, I used my 10 watter el cheapo amp before the guitarport simulation - to get the 'amp response' on the signal - I found that stuff like pick attacks, note decays etc were much more real when done this way.