MWTS: MJT Version of TMG Nigel Hendroff Scarlett Tele *PRICE LOWERED*


New member
Hey guys,

Bought this from the US a while back.

Basically the guitar was made by MJT to the exact specs of Nigel Hendroff's TMG Signature guitar in 3TS.

For those of you who have read up on TMG, you would know that it's no secret TMG has been getting MJT to do work on their guitars, so basically you're kinda like getting a TMG without the "branding" at a fraction of the price.

Some specs:
Cabronita Style
Pickups: Porter noiseless P90s
Hardware: Aged Bigsby, aged Callaham Bridge
Tuners: Vintage Kluson Tuners
Neck: C Shape (very comfortable, not too thin or chunky)
Fretboard: Rosewood
Case: SKB Hardcase

Overall, this beautiful guitar feels fantastic and is very resonant. Just like the TMG version, it is very very versatile and can pull of various styles of music with no problem. The p90s pickups are seriously awesome stuff, sounding very full and rich. You're gonna get great tones of all sorts out of this axe.

The aging of this guitar is expertly done by Mark Jenny, one of the top names today!

The TMG version of this costs USD$4000 before shipping and GST and this is provided they will actually build you a guitar without crazy excuses coming from them after taking your money.

Building this exact model with MJT will easily cost you well over 2k with all the premium hardware and case added in, not forgetting shipping and GST. A similar guitar is going on eBay Australia for AUD$1900 before shipping and GST.

I'm willing (well not really) to let this go at just SGD$1800 as I need the cash!