Musicman S.U.B

kreed said:
hey..has anyone tried the musicman SUB? isit good? and how is it compared to the stingray?

is it good? yes.

how is it against a Stingray? the SUB isn't a stingray, it just happens to look like one. these 2 has different offerings, one isn't the substitute for another.
Well, if you're looking for a bass that sounds good, looks good, and won't blow a hole in your wallet, then the sub is a bass which will fill all those categories.

But if you're looking for something to sound like a stingray, then save up for the stingray, cuz there truly is no substitute for a stingray. :D
SUB bass is ~$1000
Stingray is usually $2000 off the local 2nd-hand market.

Mad-modded OLP 'ray bass is $1000 and should nail the Stingray vibe closely enough ;) Of course, there's nothing like an actual MM Ray. Construction and al the small things will come into play here.
May I ask, where in Singapore can I try out the bass? Kinda interested in Musicman SUB too and I wanna try it out and hear it myself. Is the shop in Parklane the only distributer for them?
how a SUB bass looks like:

davis bring in sub bass? as in you can place order or what? one more qn,is sub bass neck has the same specs as stingrays? like,you can fit in stingray neck in subs?