musicman releases "reissues"


Active member
really beautiful.




and its back to the pre ernie ball specs. string thru body, old style bridge, 2 band eq, and mutes
From Scott Ball over at the EBMM forum:

1) Strings Through body/bridge with straight string pull
2) old-school large bridge with mute pads
3) old school hollow saddles
4) serial number will be located on the bridge
5) rotate two colors per quarter
6) slab body
7) compensated nut
8) 2 band eq
9) old school silk-screened logo
10) we may go with the metal battery cover
11) 6 bolt neck plate with MM logo
Wow. :shock: Very nice.

I dig the bridge. What are those black things near the saddles? And the screws near the black things?

[screws?][black thing?][saddle]

And my goodness, string-thru', think of the sustain. EBMM has done it again.
been following this since the news came out, although i could never see myself owning an EBMM. i wanna know what a Stingray with mutes sounds like. i wish they'd bring back the Sabre too.

no news on the price yet.
Those are really awesome! Including the sterling classics!

Guess I'll be getting a couple this year. EBMM is really pushing their basses this year. With so many different models.