Musicians wanted to form band


New member
As the title suggests, I am forming a band. I am looking at ages 22-25, preferably done with NS and Malays because I am looking to make malay music.

I just want to make music. What comes after that and what I hope to achieve with the band will be shared when we have our first band meeting. :)

Hope to hear from passionate musicians soon. Need not be good. Beginners of any genders are welcomed. It'll be good if you stay in the west but other areas still welcomed.

On another note, I play the drums and can do vocals (if I don't play drums). The band will consist of 2 guitars, 1 bass, 1 keyboard (optional), 1 drum, 1 vocalist. I already have a guy who can play the strings (guitar/bass). We will sort out who plays what based on the response.

I won't be doing auditions. Band members will be taken in on a first come first serve basis. So only seriously interested musicians need apply. Please PM me. Thank you.

Lead guitarist here. Will be keen if you don't play Malay songs. No offence, I'm Malay, just not my thing. Cheers.
Guitarist here, stay west but age early 30's but look young :p
on a more serious note, I'm interested in the idea, but prefer playin original materials.
Wud like to Noe in which direction u wanna steer the band, commercialized or underground?