Musicians To Play Positive Music; Music About Faith/Spirituality


New member
Drummer here.

Looking for fellow musicians who are into hard rock music. To play hard rock music that spreads positive messages, or messages that deal with faith and spirituality. This will not be a Christian rock band because I am looking at a multi-racial, inter-religious, inter-faith line-up.

Positions available:

Lead Guitarist

Whether you are a Christian, a Muslim or a Jew, as long as you believe in the existence of God, and you like hard rock music, you are welcome in the band.

PM me here.
Got some responses... still short of some key personnel...

In a nutshell, examples of spiritual/faith-based rock songs are as followed:

To Hell With The Devil - Stryper
Soldiers Under Command - Stryper
Dari Tuhan - Wings
Seruan - Lefthanded