musicans wanted ,


New member
hi ,my buddy and i would like to have a jamming sessions at the sametime meet new musicians .

we am looking for

a drummer , two guitarist and a bassist

a very raw and simple line up with open minded on songs to cover as each of us would pick one .

thank you
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hi fender

what do you think?

basically , my buddy and i , both of us we know how to scream and sing
hmm, we are not very very good at it , yup
just to let you guys know what we can do .

yes lolerman just pm that you
hello , just a update ,
drummer found , two songs are almost confirm


it's ok to have your own preference but do take note that we are looking for a balance team
yup , my buddy told my if we really need to put some influence band

caracal , sleeping with sirens , hands like houses ,
and much more .