Music know-it-alls


New member
Hey guys, I need opinion. Have y'all ever been in a band where the guys basically always tell you what to play/how to play? Or guys who are dead set on jamming their own songs? How do you feel about it?
It totally depends on what situation it's happening in. Are you giving them inputs and then they just keep overruling you and saying, "we will do this instead"? Or are you just going along and not saying what you think? Communication is a two-way street.
It ultimately depends on what you want when playing in a band, what your motivations are for getting into a room of fellow musos, and of course, song choice etc.

In my experience, people come from across the spectrum: some have no idea what they want as long as they are doing *something*, some have opinions purely from a music standpoint, others just want to have final say over everything regardless whether the music benefits from that decision.

Ultimately, playing and/or writing music is a subjective process. No one can say which one is better over the other, but rather what works best for you.

As mechanevil suggests, is communication happening, and are you actually providing constructive feedback? Did you have a discussion prior to the session on what you want to achieve, and how to go about doing it? Communication is key here.

Good luck!