`Music.Diva (male vox/guitarist/drummer/bassist wanted!)


New member
Hi all! im a keyboardist/pianist and am currently teaching in Yamaha Music School. I've been doing originals since five to six years ago.. I've classical and jazz background so for covers, I'd have e ability to reharmonise and inject more originality in it.

You might want to check out my videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/musicglen as well as my originals at http://songsiwrite.com/profile.asp?id=songs-841

Influences: Jazz-Pop, J/K-Pop, Mando-Pop, RnB/Hiphop/Funk, Classical-Contempo.

I've a female vocalist with me. we'd like to gig at hotels/cafes/pubs soon; so we're now working on a portfolio/demo which would help us audition into any. drop me an email at glen_genki_zutto@yahoo.com.sg if you're interested! :)