guess we've talked abt this before. but i think in a gist, with analogues u get better sound, altho 'better' in itself is a subjective issue.
and with multi fx, u get variety in a box and its very much cheaper compared to getting all the analogue pedals. and i humbly submit the sound is just as good. am currently using the pod xt live myself and have no complaints. but for live gig, some might say the gt8 could be much better. i dun play live so i can't say. but for recording, the pod xt live rocks. and apparently others have plugged it direct into their PA system for live gigs and have had very satisfying results.
study the specs of the 2 and see if u r payin for bells and whistles u dun need, if so, then maybe something else might be better off for you.
hope this helps.